Who We Are

The drills on this site were developed by Canadian coaches with decades of volleyball coaching experience from primary school all the way to the postsecondary level. The drills have been developed using proven motor learning theory concepts to help ensure your time in the gym is optimized and actual training time will effectively transfer into match situations. You may find many of the drills may have a similar theme or approach. This is not because of a lack of ideas, it is simply because training has the most value when it simulates the specific conditions the game offers.

Drills on this site are sold individually rather than in drill “packs” where multiple drills are to be purchased together (probably with many drills you don’t want or need). Here you are able to purchase the specific drills you want and none that you don’t. If for any reason you purchase a drill that is not what you expected, contact us (info@volleyballdrillshop.com) and we’ll provide you with a coupon to purchase another drill at no cost. We want to ensure you are satisfied with each purchase you make.