Learning to dig the ball effectively to the the center of the court is very important if a team wants to transition well. This drill encourages players to dig accurately by putting the setter under a lot of movement pressure. Defenders will be encouraged to defend accurately because inaccurately defended balls will be very difficult for setters to keep in…
Learning to rally effectively, as well as keep a rally going, is one of the primary objectives of volleyball. In this simple drill players on both sides of the net cooperate to control the ball and keep the ball in play - using a pass (dig), set, spike sequence for as long as possible. It helps players to focus on…
This cooperative "pepper" type progressive exercise helps players to improve their basic ball handling skills in several ways. It gives defenders plenty of medium paced ball contacts and helps them learn the angles needed to redirect a medium paced attack to a setter. It also helps setters improve their front and back setting skills. Sequence 2 builds on the initial…